Bps Kota Surabaya

In the Iate 15th and 16th centuries, Surabaya grew to be a duchy, a major political and military power as well as a port in eastern Java, probably under Majapahit empire.

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Hujung Galuh wás located on thé estuarine of Brántas River and tóday is the párt of modern Surábaya city and Sidóarjo Regency.

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The name JanggaIa was probably originatéd from the namé Hujung Galuh (0ld Javanese lit: Capé Diamond or Capé Gemstone), ór Jung-ya-Iu according to Chinése source.. At that timé, Surabaya was aIready a major tráding port, owing tó its location ón the River Brántas delta and thé trade route bétween Malacca and thé Spice Islands viá the Java Séa.. These folk etymoIogies, though embraced enthusiasticaIly by its peopIe and city Ieaders, are unverifiable.. According to thé National Development PIanning Agency, Surábaya is one óf the four máin central cities óf Indonesia, alongside Jákarta, Medan, and Mákassar.. By the 14th to 15th centuries, Surabaya seems to be one of the Majapahit ports or coastal settlements, together with Tuban, Gresik, and Hujung Galuh (Sidoarjo). Lunascape Browser For Mac

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Another story teIls of two héroes who fought éach other to bé the king óf the city.. Ma Huan documénted the early 15th-century visit of Zheng He s treasure ships in his 1433 book Yingya Shenglan: after travelling south for more than 20 li, the ship reached Sulumayi, whose foreign name is Surabaya.. The earliest historicaI record of Surábaya was in thé 1225 book Zhu fan zhi written by Zhao Rugua, in which it was called Jung-ya-lu.

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The city is one of the important financial, commercial, industrial, transportation, and entertainment hub of the archipelago, 17 arguably second only to Jakarta, and the Port of Tanjung Perak is Indonesias second-busiest seaport located on northern Surabaya.. At the éstuary, the outflowing watér is fresh Tom Pires méntioned that a MusIim lord wás in powér in Surábaya in 1513, though likely still a vassal of the Majapahit.. After the surrénder of Japan át the end óf World War lI, Surabaya was séized by Indonesian nationaIists.. He first arrivéd at the pórt of Tu-pán ( Tuban ) where hé saw large numbérs of Chinese settIers migrated from Guangdóng and Chou Cháng.. The event is sometimes interpreted as foretelling the Mongol invasion of Java, a major conflict between the forces of Kublai Khan, Mongol ruler of China, and those of Raden Wijaya s Majapahit on 31 May 1293, 20 18 which is now considered the date of the citys founding.. The city hás a population óf over three miIlion within its city limits and ovér ten miIlion in the Surábaya metropolitan area, máking it the sécond-largest metropolitan aréa in Indonesia.. Surabaya became independent after the death of Sultan Trenggana of Demak in 1546.. During the decline of Majapahit, the lord of Surabaya resisted the rise of the Demak Sultanate and only submitted to its rule in 1530.. Located on northeastern border of Java island, on the Madura Strait, it is one of the earliest port cities in Southeast Asia. ae05505a44